First and foremost, you should be running the correct spring rates for your suspension based on your body weight along with all your riding gear. Also while you are changing the fork spring, you may consider changing the 7.5 wt fork oil the forks came with to heavier 15 wt fork oil. This is one of the easiest and cheapest route to go and for the most part, satisfies most riders.
Other options are Beta’s cartridge fork kit which adds more adjustability and Beta’s open or closed chamber fork kits found at betausa.com.
In the future we may go with Beta’s closed chamber fork kit for our project bike because the red anodized tubes look absolutely amazing and perform as good as they look!

Please check out the parts section of our website to order any of these items we used on this project and much more! If you cannot find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to call us for assistance.